Our worship services are contemporary and upbeat in nature.  We have several different instruments besides vocalists and believe that as people of God there must be freedom and liberty to express ourselves to Him.  Worship is not primarily for people; it is for God and our desire is to create an atmosphere that welcomes the Holy Spirit and invites Him to dwell in His manifested presence.

We also hold a strong belief that worship is foundational and an essential building block of our faith.  We are instructed in God’s Word that we enter His gates with thanksgiving in our hearts and enter His courts with praise.  Called and created by God, we were made to worship, and it is our privilege and honor to fellowship with Him and exalt Him in our lives through music and songs that bring glory to Him.  Worship has to do with what or to whom we attach value or declare worthy.  Our whole lives make a statement about what we value and honor, and our worship demonstrates it.  Worship is an attitude that should permeate our relationship with God, which will then affect our work, our relationships with others, and our character.  It is our desire that through the enthronement of God in our worship, the rule and fear of the Lord will be established in our region, resulting in His honor being restored in the lives of those in our community.  Romans 12:1 tells us that presenting our lives unto God is our reasonable act of worship.